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Box cricket and UX

Yesterday, I attended a box cricket match where, unfortunately, our team lost. While we had a strong team "on paper" (meaning our players looked good on record), we weren't able to win as a unit.

Here's what I realized: each player seemed to be playing their own game, and communication between them was lacking. Despite having a plan and strategy, it wasn't adaptable to the situation.

This experience resonated with me because it can also happen in UX projects.

No matter how talented a UX or visual designer you are, working in silos without communication and timely feedback can hinder your ability to deliver solutions. Collaboration throughout the project is key to success. A strong UX strategy, along with the ability to adapt the process and resources as needed, can make all the difference.

While we lost the game, we learned valuable lessons. We'll take these learnings into future games and projects to improve our performance.

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